Monday, September 2, 2013


Houston and I seem to be faced with weird medical circumstances as we age together.  A week ago Houston presented a strange sore on his lip.  He was diagnosed with a Habronema parasite.  Lucky us :)  We've made significant progress this week, hopefully in another week Houston will be Habronema free.

First Appearance
One week after beginning treatment

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lumber River Horse Trials

The eventing continues!  Houston and I planned to visit the Fork the first weekend in June, but the event was cancelled due to low entries.  After pouting, I decided we would go back to the Carolina Horse Park for the 2nd of the Cabin Branch Events, Lumber River.

This turned out to be a barn family travel event.  Skate and Ellen attended along with Hillary and two of her babies.
While the weather was extremely warm, the day went well over all.  The footing was questionable on cross-country thanks to the tropical storm induced rain we had the week prior.

Houston performed a very steady and beautiful dressage test placing us in 6th with a 33.5 out of 15 riders.  Show-jumping was flawless minus the fact that we were a tad slower than we should've been, but overall very pleased with his efforts.  Cross-country was tremendous.  He floated around the course like the pro he truly is.
After a long day in the heat, Houston received a striking yellow ribbon (3rd place) to add to his growing collection.  I couldn't be happier with the way he's performing, at 22 I think he's the best he's been.  Let's hope 23 brings just as much excitement!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cabin Branch Schooling Horse Trials

Houston and I ventured to the Carolina Horse Park this past weekend to attend the Cabin Branch Schooling Horse Trials.  We intended to overcome our water fear from the year before so I chose to school the day before.  We plotted around the course with ease and enjoyed the beautiful weather before wandering over to our arch nemesis - the water.  Just one year and one week ago Houston stopped 30 feet out from this complex and refused to move anywhere close to it.  This time, he went right in, no questions asked.  I was thrilled!  We ended our schooling day with big smiles and prepped for the event the following day.

The weather Sunday was stunning- 75 degrees, nice breeze, clear blue sky's and sunshine- Perfect!   Dressage went wonderfully until we cantered and Houston went into a coughing fit.  But I was still elated with the impulsion he presented and we left the arena with a 32.2- not too shabby for us.  There were 15 riders in our Novice division and this 32.2 landed us in 10th.  Can we say stiff competition????

Show-Jumping proved to be a non-issue and more of a fun warm up for cross-country.  Houston even put in his signature buck upon completing the course.

Walking over to cross-country I felt the least nervous I have in a long time.  We were prepared.  As the steward counted us down Houston got more and more anxious to take off.  As he sprang from the start box he was instantly on a mission.  I made a deal with myself that I would not hold him back and cause us to acquire time penalties for being too slow.  Houston galloped with a purpose but still came back to me before each jump getting the perfect distance.  With ears pricked we finished the course with ease at 4:44, just under optimum time of 5:18.  The announcer's comment as we completed the water "Houston, now clear through the water is back to a rocking chair canter and across the field to finish a clear round". 

After giving Houston much deserved praise we walked back to the barn and awaited class pinning.  We moved from 10th to 6th to finish the competition.  First place was a 16.5......yes!  Competition was in deed stiff, and I couldn't be more proud of my handsome Houston.  I was so pleased I'm entering him in his next event set to take place 3 weeks from now.  Even at 22 years young, he's going strong and we intend to make the most of it.
A special thank you to my amazing support team who traveled to the Horse Park to make our weekend even more special.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hillcrest Schooling Horse Trials

Coming off of a tremendous combined test and Houston feeling like a superstar, I quickly entered him in the Hillcrest Schooling Horse Trials.  Nervous about the water complex, Houston and I called upon our awesome trainer, Hillary, and went over to Hillcrest to school the water.  20-25 mph winds make for a very interesting schooling day in March.  However, Houston never looked at the water once and went right in the first attempt.

Feeling more confident about the event we were all set!

We competed in the Novice division with 10 other competitors, one being Hillary :)  We rocked out the best dressage test of our career together (31.5).
After rocking out on stadium, Houston had some trouble making a turn on cross-country and his rear end slid out from under him but he immediately picked himself up and jumped the coop right in front of him.  I was worried and asked that he trot out of the woods so I could tell his he was injured or not.  Being a 22 year old ex-racer he pulled against him feverishly and launched himself out of the woods and back on course.  We completed the course effortlessly and had zero issues with the water.
After a tremendous effort from Houston, we finished 2nd to Hillary, not shabby!  Couldn't be more proud of my man.  We received an extra special treat with a shout-out in an article on 

Eventing Season Kick-Off

Houston and I kicked off our Eventing season with a Hillcrest Schooling Combined Test at the Novice Level.  It was a bit chilly on a brisk January morning, but with multiple layers for me and a warm toasty blanket for Houston we were ready to go.
 Houston performed an excellent Dressage Test, minus my poor position.
 Jumped like a superstar
 Got 2nd place!! So proud of him!
Our wonderful groom/support!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Houston & I are going to venture to Why Not An American Ark tomorrow to confront the water complex and school until we're comfortable enough to face it in the next event. 

After our 7 am ride and Houston's bath he decided it was nap time.  He really looks ready for tomorrow.  Rest up big man!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Combined Test in the Heat Wave

Last Wednesday we ventured over to Hillcrest Farm to compete in a schooling show at the Novice level.  I had the confidence to move him up to Novice after an excellent lesson the week before. 

Houston and I worked until we were ringing wet the entire week before to be as ready as we could be.

We were fortunate to ride at 8:45 am that morning, it was humid, no breeze and stifling.  Houston was fantastic, we moved more forward than normal, his transitions were smooth and then he gave me a little buck before the canter depart.  I wasn't upset and I smiled after it happened because if my 21 year old feels like bucking, more power to him.  We received a 34.5 which is really good for the non-dressage queens that we are.  The judge was tough and so was our competition.

Shortly after dressage ended we geared up for the show-jumping round with lots of bending lines and tough turns.  My handsome old guy handled it like a pro and bounded through the course was ease.  We even got into a tight 1 stride and came out like this.
So many times I'm reminded just how lucky I am to have this amazing ex-racer as my eventing partner.  He tries his heart out for me on a daily basis and never ceases to make me smile or feel more blessed to ride him.  Houston was able to take home a distinguished yellow ribbon after his strong efforts last week.  This 21 year old has a lot left in him and I'm excited to see where it takes us.