Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rally Time

As a new comer to Pony Club I was thrilled to finally have my very own event horse to take with me to Rally.  When I had Glory I borrowed horses to take to rally, clinics and shows since she wasn't old enough to participate.

Houston and I set off to our very first Rally at Why Not An American Ark in Monroe, NC for Show Jumping.  Nerves were flowing from both of us but we had a few other horses from our farm attending as well which made it a lot easier on the horses and people. 

Inspections went well, Houston was still under weight but looked rather spiffy if I do say so myself.  We received a small deduction in points due to a not so clean sheath.  Houston and I were still working on perfecting that part of rally prep.  If anyone knows how to get a spotless sheath- let me know!

We were entered in the Horse I level jumping 3'3", we went clean, had zero time faults for both days and even moved to the jump off.  Our team received first place for the Rally in our division then Houston and I were named top qualifier for Nationals.  I was in shock and so proud of my Off the Track Thoroughbred. 

We did not attend Nationals that year because Houston still needed lots of work to assure his body was in top shape for bigger competition.

We only had one mishap the entire weekend- and that involved a Gatorade bottle.   Houston LOVES Gatorade.  I was drinking out of the bottle with the twist top and Houston began grunting and begging from his stall door.  I decided to pour some in my hand and let him try it. Bad idea!  He was so geared up about the Gatorade that the small amount in my hand just wasn't enough.  He reached up and grabbed the top of the bottle, jerking the plastic top off and into his mouth.  I of course went into panic mode so one of the girls on my team rushed over to help me pry the large, green top out of his mouth.  She opened his mouth, pulled his tounge out to the side and I reached in the long mouth to retrieve the plastic intruder that had no business being in my horse's mouth!  Crisis averted and potential colic disaster avoided.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, you and Houston are such a great team! You should be so proud of that big boy! Absolutely awesome!
